Cosmic Connections……

I have heard many people complaining a lot of not having sincere friends in life. Many would say “ahhh I have some good and close friends, but none of them is not really a best friend “. At that moment I knew I was so lucky. Even before I understood the real meaning of a friend, or having a true friend in life, I got this beautiful girl for myself. Continue reading “Cosmic Connections……”



I think I need to be surrounded by friends at this point of my life. I have always been that one who admires friends and bonds, remembering how precious they can be at times. I can say my circle is bit big and I have friends from everywhere. Some are like home to me while some are really amazing and caring about my growth. Continue reading “FRIENDS FRIENDS FRIENDS !!!”

Friendship formed in an old fashioned way!


The world is moving faster with Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, etc. People are able to see each other online and see the pictures of each other when posting to timelines of their walls. Youngsters do lots of e-chatting on WhatsApp, Viber, etc. They meet new friends and build up connections so fast and it has now become just a matter of a friend request on social media. Continue reading “Friendship formed in an old fashioned way!”